5 Key Reasons Your Employees Are Resigning

Although it is not always possible to hold onto staff, as they may just want to move on, there are many other reasons why employees resign. If you are finding it difficult to retain your staff, and your retention levels are particularly low compared to your competitors, there are often reasons behind it. These are some of the key reasons your employees are resigning.

They Don’t Feel Valued

One of the main reasons an individual will choose to leave is that they don’t feel valued. We all want to feel valued, whether that be in the workplace or within our external relationships, and this is something you need to consider. Most employees don’t expect you to buy them a gift every time they do something right, but a bit of praise when they do a good job will go a long way to helping retain them. Don’t just leave them to get on with the job and forget about them, check in with them every so often and ask how they are and let them know what they mean to your business. Don’t undermine your employees or belittle them, as they will find another employer that will value them. 

They Want Better Compensation

The feeling of value also includes compensation and if you are paying below the market rate, you can’t expect employees not to be enticed by better offers. It is only natural to want to earn more money, and employers need to keep track of what their competitors are paying. If you can’t afford to pay the same as competitors, then consider other incentives, such as flexible working, performance-related bonuses, etc.

The Environment is Negative 

Most people spend over 13 years of their lifetime at work. This is quite staggering and when you think about it, it makes sense that people want to spend this time in a place they enjoy. If there is negative energy in your workplace, it won’t entice people to stay. It is quite simple to understand your culture. When you look around, are people smiling and chatting, or does everyone have their heads down? Are people constantly complaining about aspects of the company/job? What are your productivity levels like? If you analyse these, you will get a good feel for whether you have a positive or negative environment.

Communication is Poor

How often does management check in with their employees? Are employees asked for their feedback? Do you update employees with changes in the business? When communication is poor, it can lead to employees feeling that they are not respected, and they may even consider leaving. Make sure you are communicating regularly with your employees. Management should always provide support to their team.

Lack of Opportunities

Most employees want to have the option of progressing within the company and if you are not offering this, they may look elsewhere. It is important to have a clear plan in place for employees to grow within the business, as if not, they are likely to look for other opportunities if they are not challenged.

If you would like to discuss employee retention and how you can improve this, you can contact us by email at info@bluetreehr.uk or by calling 01787 695084 for an initial discussion.

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